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Fleece grabs hold of the cart and obediently follows after Zeel. He had become a lot more trusting of the Dark Ones after being rescued by Fluffy and Zack. Still, he was happy that the solution lay inside the one building where they couldn't lock the door behind him. He brushes the curtain to one side and steps into the hut.
The interior of the hut is but a single large, black, ovular room, entirely bare save for two long lit candlesticks, the source of the smoke. They're towards the back of the room, a couple feet away from each other.
"Go ahead and sit down if you want, this will take me a couple of minutes to set up."
Zeel steps to between the candles. He opens up his spellbook and plants the bottom of his cloven hoof into a page for a moment. When he takes it out, it's covered in a strange glowing paint-like substance. With it, he begins to draw a large, arcane symbol on the floor.
"So if you don't mind me asking, how did they get like this?" Zeel asks, talking as he works. "And um... how did you get that...?"
Zeel glances for just a second at the mark on Fleece's forehead.
"I'm a bit out of the loop as to what's been going on these past few- ugh..."
He makes an uncharacteristic mistake in his drawing, and quickly rubs it away before continuing.
Gaosung look through a window, watching Fleece and Zeel dissapear into one of the smaller buildings. He would have offered his help, if he had thought that he could do anything meaningful without involving Tzng. Using his demon seemed to be an absolutely terrible idea. Yes, he had helped at the end of the raid against the hunters, but Weilyn's demon had been there to keep him in check. Gaosung's only had to power to reign him in over physical matters, if he got an access through the astral plane... there was no telling what he could do. During the first battle against the Hunters a predator had tried to get in their heads.
Gaosung had no idea what had happened, but Tzng had been very happy. He had sounded kind of disappointed about only one predator trying that, and mentionned having to share. Sometimes Gaosung could swear he could see his demon play with something like... a fuzzy worm on fire?
He prefered not to think about it.
Anyway he had to focus on himself. Between the first battle's incident and him feasting on the souls of the Hunter who refused freedom during the rescue operation the demon had gained quite a bit of power. Gaosung had also been forced to give his leash some slack when he'd been surrounded, and though he'd been able to take hs control back before Tzng could use the opportunity to grill some bacon the young longma still felt that his hold was less firm than before.
That's why he had decided to spend some time meditating, recentring his power, strenghtening his grip. Tzng was a menace for everyone, harvesting his power for the good of all was a tricky endeavor, one were a single misstep could lead to disaster. He could not allow that. The longma settled on the floor, breathing slowly.
Suddenly the curtains blow open as a dark green Longma enters the room
"Finally I've found a darkone! The darkone... with the...claws wanted me to report back to the leader of this place!" the longma exclaimed.
"So if you can point me in the right directi-" He then noticed the mark on Fleece's face and took a defensive stance.
The Longma accusingly cried "What's a HUNTER doing here!? I'll have you know I've taken a dozen of your kind down before at once!". The longma's voice started to waver as he finished that sentence.
Fleece stands with a jolt, almost tripping over the cart where his puppies are being held.
"Oh, no nonono! I'm not a Hunter! There's no Hunters here! I-I mean I guesstechnicallythepuppiesareHuntersnowbutImeanthat'swhyI'mhere!" Fleece tries to calm himself down.
"I, uh, I got this mark from the Hunters but the mind control didn't work so... it's basically just a burn. No dark magic or... psychopathy..." He rubs his forehead, as if to prove that the Mark isn't painted on. Not that it would help.
He starts to stride toward the unexpected guest, but stops short, as he doesn't want to lose any of the paint from his cloven hoof.
"Sir, please, I know enough to know there's no need to be concerned with him. Now if you're looking for the leader of the Soldiers of Shadow... I suppose that would be me. But I'm a tad busy at the moment and interrupting a seance is not the best of ideas, so if it's okay, would you please wait outside? Shouldn't be too long..."
Fleece stands with a jolt, almost tripping over the cart where his puppies are being held.
"Oh, no nonono! I'm not a Hunter! There's no Hunters here! I-I mean I guesstechnicallythepuppiesareHuntersnowbutImeanthat'swhyI'mhere!" Fleece tries to calm himself down.
"I, uh, I got this mark from the Hunters but the mind control didn't work so... it's basically just a burn. No dark magic or... psychopathy..." He rubs his forehead, as if to prove that the Mark isn't painted on. Not that it would help.
"Didn't take, eh...? Interesting. You're strong... perhaps moreso than you realize. Y'know, the wool might've given it away, but I was born and raised with the rest of the Sheeple. Haven't been there in quite some time..."
He finishes the symbol, and proceeds to take out short strands of beads, placing them in particular spots among the paint.
"I uh... had my share of issues with the Prime Minister back in the day."
Zeel finishes preparations by showering the area with a faint mist.
"I'm happy to see that atleast one part of my people are in good hooves now."
Zeel rests his own hooves on the book, in the very center of the symbol, and gives Fleece as warm a smile as he can muster, trying to calm both their nerves.
Fleece stands with a jolt, almost tripping over the cart where his puppies are being held.
"Oh, no nonono! I'm not a Hunter! There's no Hunters here! I-I mean I guesstechnicallythepuppiesareHuntersnowbutImeanthat'swhyI'mhere!" Fleece tries to calm himself down.
"I, uh, I got this mark from the Hunters but the mind control didn't work so... it's basically just a burn. No dark magic or... psychopathy..." He rubs his forehead, as if to prove that the Mark isn't painted on. Not that it would help.
The Longma calms his stance, but only a little
"Sorry for jumping to conclusions... I've had some recent bad luck with sheep claiming to be allies and then trying to eat me. It's actually why I'm here, so after...this-" The longma gestures towards the magic being drawn upon the ground "is done, and assuming your story is true, I'll need to speak with you both. We need to go over the details of the past operation."
As Fluffy passes by she see's Fleece and enters with her side bandaged, multiple cuts across her body, and a limp in her step as the escape has token a number on Fluffy's body.
Hey Fleece good to see you found your dogs, they look so vicious, she then proceeds to reach down and pet one behind the ear without trouble.
"Oh! Hey Fluffy, It's good to see you too." Fleece says, moments before realizing that Fluffy did not, in fact, say anything of the sort.
"I'll be happy to meet up with you after this Mr... Longma, Sir. For now, Mr. Dark One needs to fix my puppies. Just... go right ahead. Don't mind me, you won't even know I'm here."
"Zeel, would be my name, by the way... I must really be out of sorts if I didn't introduce myself..."
He takes a moment to compose himself, before readying a quick spell and blasting it towards the crate. The wild and raving pups suddenly become focused... on Zeel. They stare directly at him, focusing all their rage in his direction.
"Okay. That should ensure no one else will be in danger. Everything's prepared."
The Longma realizes he forgot to introduce himself
"Ooh, well I am Huǒ Xīn my little sheep friend. I was placed on the stealth team when we were up against those vile creatures that captured prime minister fleece of the Pom Patrol!" Boasts Huǒ Xīn, seemingly proud of his role in the ultimately successful mission.
"And you are?" Inquires Huǒ Xīn.
"I don't think that would quite solve your problem... don't fret about me. I'm not about to scerw up something like this, no matter what state I'm in. Now, please, let them out before the focus spell wears off..."
Fleece had more questions, but the mention of a time limit panicked him. He unhooked the latch on all four of the cases, then swung them all open at once.
Zeel firmly presses his hooves against the open-faced book, his eyes shut tight, sitting perfectly still as the fierce dogs rush towards him.
With unnatural aggression they leap onto his prone form, small but sharp teeth and claws sinking into his thick wool from all sides. It takes all his focus but Zeel manages not to flinch as they slowly break the skin. After just a few moments, their claws and teeth are stained with his blood.
Blood that, much to their surprise, begins to shine... the pups pause in confusion as the glow overtakes them.
"The blood.. of an ungulate..." Zeel mutters, perhaps an incantation. "The lifeforce of an herbivore... shall will away... the killing force of... of a carnivore..."
After the shock wears off, the pups continue their growling, and leap onto Zeel once again, forcing him to the ground...
...only to start licking the very wounds they just opened. They look guilty - they seem to know what they just did. Zeel smiles weakly, petting the now docile pups...
Fleece scoops up his puppies and gives them a great big hug. They lick his face with their bloodied mouths, but he doesn't care. After a few moments of squeezing and "Who's a good boy? Who's a good girl?"-ing, Fleece notices that his dogs, like him, still bare the mark of the Hunter. Whether intentional or not, Zeel's spell had left the dark burn on the puppie's fur. For their part, they seem blissfully unaware. Fleece smiles.
"Heh... hey. We match." He looks to Zeel. "Thanks. Thank you. For everything. Are you gonna be okay?"
Huǒ Xīn finally recovers from the shock of both witnessing such uses of dark magic he didn't know existed and the fact that he was before the very sheep he worked to save
"So... that's a little awkward" Huǒ Xīn bleats out, while rubbing the back of his head with a hoof
"Well, now that that's out of the way, I suppose I need to go over the story of how I ALONE rescued you! The clawed-one told me to" Huǒ Xīn Boasts.
"Well, me, the clawed-one, and this tiny sheep were on the stealth team, ready to take down any hunter in our way so that way the team bringing Fleece out of there doesn't run into reinforcements. But you see, the clawed-one ran off to fight their commander because of something about him helping the devourer eat his entire tribe of 30 jaguars in a single bite, and I was about to follow him. BUT THEN, all of the sudden, I'm surrounded by our sheep friend and about 100 wolves he really was the pack master of, because he was a hunter in disguise the whole time! Those hunters forgot one thing though, I am an expert at breathing fire, and I incinerated them all where they stood! I then caught up with the clawed one, who was under rubble from his fight and the commander was going to finish him off, but I wasn't having any of that! So I turned into a full fledged dragon to scare him off then I wiped out every last one of those foenum-forsaken hunters!"
"I mean, yeah, the evacuation team did good too, but no one can BRING THE HEAT like Huǒ Xīn!" he gloats. Huǒ Xīn waits in anticipation for a response from his 4 listeners, wondering if he made a good first impression with his story
Fleece grins and politely claps his hooves. "Wow, I'm glad I have friends like you to back me up. Next time I get in a scrape I'll be sure to bring you along."
Huǒ Xīn finally recovers from the shock of both witnessing such uses of dark magic he didn't know existed and the fact that he was before the very sheep he worked to save
"So... that's a little awkward" Huǒ Xīn bleats out, while rubbing the back of his head with a hoof
"Well, now that that's out of the way, I suppose I need to go over the story of how I ALONE rescued you! The clawed-one told me to" Huǒ Xīn Boasts.
"Well, me, the clawed-one, and this tiny sheep were on the stealth team, ready to take down any hunter in our way so that way the team bringing Fleece out of there doesn't run into reinforcements. But you see, the clawed-one ran off to fight their commander because of something about him helping the devourer eat his entire tribe of 30 jaguars in a single bite, and I was about to follow him. BUT THEN, all of the sudden, I'm surrounded by our sheep friend and about 100 wolves he really was the pack master of, because he was a hunter in disguise the whole time! Those hunters forgot one thing though, I am an expert at breathing fire, and I incinerated them all where they stood! I then caught up with the clawed one, who was under rubble from his fight and the commander was going to finish him off, but I wasn't having any of that! So I turned into a full fledged dragon to scare him off then I wiped out every last one of those foenum-forsaken hunters!"
"I mean, yeah, the evacuation team did good too, but no one can BRING THE HEAT like Huǒ Xīn!" he gloats. Huǒ Xīn waits in anticipation for a response from his 4 listeners, wondering if he made a good first impression with his story
Zeel gazes inquisitively at the longma. Something about this story felt vaguely curious, but perhaps due to his weariness he couldn't quite figure out why - there was really only one part of it he could focus on.
"Hold on... the clawed one you keep mentioning, are you talking about Weylyn...?"
Zeel strides towards Huǒ Xīn and bows his head towards him.
"He's one of my closest confidants... if what you say is true, I'm in your debt."
Fleece grins and politely claps his hooves. "Wow, I'm glad I have friends like you to back me up. Next time I get in a scrape I'll be sure to bring you along."
Zeel gazes inquisitively at the longma. Something about this story felt vaguely curious, but perhaps due to his weariness he couldn't quite figure out why - there was really only one part of it he could focus on.
"Hold on... the clawed one you keep mentioning, are you talking about Weylyn...?"
Zeel strides towards Huǒ Xīn and bows his head towards him.
"He's one of my closest confidants... if what you say is true, I'm in your debt."
"Tr-True, right... Yeah, I'm sure it had to be Weylyn, it's not like their's droves of predators on our side after all! He's... he's a little beat up- BUT don't worry! Both the Council healers and that awesome skull-girl-thing he keeps with him assured me many, many times that he's going to recover alright, and he's even conscious again." Huǒ Xīn assured
"Oh... oh my, well thank you for letting me know. I really should look into what all happened in my absence soon... but, regardless, is there anything you need from us, Huǒ Xīn? Anything at all?"
"Oh... oh my, well thank you for letting me know. I really should look into what all happened in my absence soon... but, regardless, is there anything you need from us, Huǒ Xīn? Anything at all?"
"I really don't need any... Actually, if you have a room, I should probably rest before heading back to the council. Foenum's a bit more dangerous with the hunters around and all that." Huǒ Xīn responded.
Without a moment's hesitation, Zeel levitates his spellbook with a familiar glow. The bizarre, creepy five-pronged... hoof(?) of Hominid pops out from the page. He waves it around lazily, and outside the hut comes a rumbling. The book closes ever-so-casually and Zeel smiles towards his guest.
"Just next-door, you should find a new house, all for you. Not luxurious perhaps, but hopefully quite comfortable. You may stay as long as you like."
"Fantastic. Well, Huǒ Xīn, if that's all you wanted me for then I guess I'll see myself out. Thanks again, Zeel." Fleece gathers his puppies in the cart and heads for the curtain. Just before reaching it, he turns back.
"Uh... none of you would happen to know where Feanor of the Velvetians lives, would you? I was hoping to stop by her place some time. To, y'know, give her my thanks..."
"Fantastic. Well, Huǒ Xīn, if that's all you wanted me for then I guess I'll see myself out. Thanks again, Zeel." Fleece gathers his puppies in the cart and heads for the curtain. Just before reaching it, he turns back.
"Uh... none of you would happen to know where Feanor of the Velvetians lives, would you? I was hoping to stop by her place some time. To, y'know, give her my thanks..."
"Um... I need to do something, rather personal for my group right now. Shouldn't take... too long, if you can just wait here for a while, I can tell you how to get there when I'm done."
Zeel steps towards the curtain, but stops just short, turning to glance at Fluffy; he'd been trying to avoid looking at her until now. Zeel makes a gesture to the outside, urging her to follow, before leaving the hut. As he steps outside, he takes one last wipe of his face with the towel.
He looks down at the fresh stains of blood.
"The blood of an ungulate..." Zeel repeats. "Blood shed far too easily. Blood shed senselessly... and ignored for far too long."
Zeel turns around, checking to see if Fluffy followed him outside.
"Fluffy. Months ago, you... committed a crime. Innocent Velvetians are dead, because of you. At first I didn't want to believe it. I thought it had to have been some mistake. Truth is we're accused of things we didn't do every day, so I didn't think it was even worth addressing. But the evidence quickly became too obvious... you did it. And I don't think you even take it all that seriously..."
He starts pacing back and forth as he speaks.
"I can't explain... how this feels. I knew when I let you in that you were different, that some thought you dangerous, unstable. But it's always in my nature not to judge and to give second chances. These ideals are part of what this group was founded on. And that nature has never steered me wrong. Until..."
He stops and turns to look Fluffy in the eye.
"When people first heard of the Soldiers of Shadow, before they even knew the first thing about any of us as individuals, they assumed as a group that we were evil. That we were killers. And that was okay, because we knew that was only temporary. We knew we were doing the right thing. We knew we were going to prove them all wrong, because..."
He looks to the ground.
"Because we knew we were never going to hurt anyone. Because we were only ever going to use our dark arts for good. And this is about so much more than just proving that dark magic can be a valued tool for anyone. To me, people's fear of dark magic is symbolic of all fear born from ignorance. To become heroes using 'evil' power is to fly in the face of prejudice and stereotypes. And that's the point. To show the world that preconceived notions could only be wrong, could only be damaging. Individuality over generalization..."
He raises his head.
"The Soldiers of Shadow are meant to be that symbol. And we shall stay that way. Fluffy... I've spent the last few months alone, trying to figure out what to do about this. It was... a trying time. But I know what must be done. Even now, I don't want to abandon you... so I've set up an alternative. A way to teach you... understanding. Empathy. You can either leave to fend for yourself, or... you can take my solution. Or rather... our solution. There's someone I'd like you to see..."
Not far from this place, a young gazelle runs through a dark passage, deep in the bowls of the small city...
His mark burned softly as he turned a corner, and froze in place. Just head of him, a young alpaca strolled through the corridor. Though, as luck would have it, its back was turned to him. Quickly he pulled back around the corner, and waited in silence. His breathing was even and steady, his heart pounded, but from exertion, not fear. No, he could not afford to be afraid. There were not many of his fellow Hunters left, and their access to The Hold had been all but completely severed. The power of the mighty panther that flowed through him felt weaker now, but it was still enough. Enough to do this task that he had been entrusted with.
He peaked around the corner as his fur turned as black as night. He hissed quietly as the dark shadows that had silenced his hooves vanished. So be it. The alpaca had turned, but opened and walked through a doorway. He let out a small sigh. He had managed to get this far, and he had no intention of getting caught at this point.
He stepped out from around the corner as the darkness that covered his body moved to his hooves, silencing his steps. He crept his way along the corridor, his ears straining to catch the slightest sound. Though he wondered just how effective that would actually be. Demons and their slaves were nearly impossible to predict as far as abilities were concerned, so as far as he knew, they could turn invisible and be even more silent then a still wind. Though, if that was the case, no demon and its slave had seen fit thus far to manifest itself to him. Though perhaps one was following him, quietly watching him, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
He shook his head slightly. He needed to remain focused. This was not a time to be distracted. He quietly opened a door, but found nothing but an empty chamber on the other side. Moving on to another, he opened it, and found inside a garden that was most strange indeed. It was filled with flora he likes he had never seen before, and small insects flew about that he couldn't identify. And how a garden like this could exist underground like this was a mystery to him, as much as why. Even so, he saw no other door leading out of the strange room, so he shut the door once more and moved on. He crept up to another door, but found he was unable to open it. Curious. It seemed as though it was unlocked, and he could see no keyhole. If it was barred on the other side, there was no clear indication as the door was stuck fast, and simply refused to move, or even wiggle. Magic. It had to be magic. If it was, he felt he shouldn't have been surprised.
A door opened down the way, and he dashed for the closet door he could find, the garden. He shut the door as fast and as silently as he could, and pressed his ear to the door. He could hear the sounds of muffled voices coming from the other side, as well as the sounds of ungulates walking past the room he had hidden in. A few moments passed, and the voices and walking were no more. Taking a small breath, he placed his hoof on the door, but failed to open it.
His first instinct was to panic, but he knew better. He calmly took a step back and looked at the door. Apparently, while he was busy listening to ungulates he would never see walk down a corridor, the flora of the room had seen fit to grow over the seams of the door, and even took off the hinges for good measure. It would seem he was not alone in this room, and his host had no intention of letting him leave just yet.
He took a long, slow breath. The prey in him wanted nothing more then to bash and scrape at the door in a vain hope that it would somehow open and he would be free. However, the presence of his Master kept this in check, and his nerves remained calm and steady. He turned around, and saw (a little to his surprise) what looked to be a necklace suspended in the air by a series of vines and rather poisonous flowers. The necklace had a cracked, smokey ruby in the center, which swirled and shifted as he stared at it.
Why, hello there... A voice said in his head. He could not tell if was male or female, or even if it was friendly or hostile. The only thing he could make of it was that it seemed both curious, and scheming.
"I am not impressed demon. Release me." he said dryly.
But why? It is so very dull down here in these halls. I am unbound, and thus have no means of wandering the world at large. The voice responded. While he refused to trust it, he did sense some sincerity to its claim.
"If you are unbound, then how can you control these plants like this?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He took a half step back, planting his backside against the door.
Oh? You know so much about us and our kind, do you? Well, it may come as a surprise, but there are a few, a select few I would say, that can operate our will and power upon this world without being bound by an oath. The voice said with a hint of smugness. The plants shifted and the necklace became slowly enveloped by plants until the ruby alone was viable. The mass shifted slightly towards him.
"If that's so, why not strike me down right now? Without the plants?" he dared her. His mark began glowing brighter as he tensed himself.
Calm yourself, creature. I have no intention of doing so. Nor do I have any intention of barring your path or purpose. I hold you simply because I am ... very lonely. The ruby shifted about, as though it was looking around the chamber. Besides these plants, which have very little to say, there is nothing in this room. And so few of the others visit me, for they seem to think a joke and a mockery of a demon bound to a plan- The voice suddenly cut off, and the ruby shifted to look directly at him.
He cracked a grin. "A demon bound to a plant? Well, that's not something one hears everyday. How did this happen?" he mused.
The plants shifted, and the ruby glowed a dark, brooding color. If he had to guess, this demon was annoyed that its secret had so easily slipped. It is a long story that I wish to forget about. Suffice to say, I was tricked by another. Another of my kind... The ruby turned away from him and faced the back wall. And if I could, I would see him destroyed.
He raised an eyebrow. He could sense he was being baited, but his curiosity and the idea of demons destroying each other was too powerful to resist. "Is that so? Well, it just so happens that I'm looking for a demon to take out of here. We need one for a bit of vengeance ourselves." He grinned. "Who is this demon who tricked you? And is he bound by an oath?"
The ruby shifted once more to look at him. It sat there for several moments, perhaps thinking. No. He is unbound, for his host perished some time ago. Though he is well guarded, and deep within a secret chamber. I cannot get to him, though I have tried. I cannot move beyond the walls of this room, for my ... hosts ... cannot survive without the dirt within the pots they have been planted. And before you ask, small one, the pots have been stuck to the floor, thus preventing them from moving. Thus, I am powerless to exact my vengeance.
"Then why not tell me how to get to him? I assure you that with what we have planned, vengeance would be repaid tenfold!" he smiled. He hoped that would be enough. True, he wasn't telling the whole truth, but neither was the demon, or so he assumed. Though, if all went as planned, this wretched creature would indeed have its vengeance.
The ruby came closer to him, almost close enough for him to breath upon. Is that so?
"It is." he nodded slightly.
There was a pause, though the plants had begun shifting rather drastically. Very well. But I must touch your mind to show you the way. I could tell you, but there are wards that must be passed, and this is the only way I can show you how it is to be done.
Normally, the idea of letting a demon within one's mind was a very, very bad idea, but he was confident that his Master was strong enough to reject the evil creature. After all, it was only the mindless slaves that the demons could liberate, right? Nevertheless, he had a mission to fullfill, and fear was not a thing Hunters could allow themselves to feel. "Alright. Go for it." he said.
The ruby reared back, then launched forward until it hit him in the head with great force. However, the moment it made contact, he felt time freeze. In his mind he could see the structure in which he was in unfold, he could see the wards, and he could see the resting place where his target lay. Then, he felt something touch his mind in a place it was not supposed to go. He let out a mighty shout, and with the power of his now angry Master, he thrust the demon from his mind. The ruby suddenly jolted back, the momentum of the impact reversed, and lurched back as though it had been struck with a great blow. The vines and plants that had blocked the door flew back to wrap around and cushion the ruby, and the young gazelle took his chance and darted out of the room, never to return. He knew the way, and he knew what he had to do to get what he needed. This was a mighty demon indeed that he had been told about, and he felt it would suit The Hunter's purposes just fine...
I asked the head of the UFC to perform two d100 rolls for me. The first was an attempt to sneak into The Dark Side, and the second was to steal an unbound demon. The fist roll was a 13, which was a critical success. The second roll was a 52, which is a success, but at a cost. Said cost is that the demon was able to discover exactly what the Hunters had planned for the demon. Thus, the demon was successfully stolen, but it was not a clean get away.
Huǒ Xīn awakes from his new home within the Darkside, ready to make the trip back to the UFC to report to Weylyn that he more or less told them what happened in the mission to rescue Fleece. He hesitates as he makes it out the door, and decides to leave a note.
The note says "I want to thank you all for your hospitality... I've never had so much given to me for so little, and I refuse to believe the rumors and dark stories that revolve around the dark-ones. Keep this house, when the clawed-one is fit enough to return, I will return with him... this place is beyond the beauty of the council halls and the Huoshan palaces."
With that, Huǒ Xīn heads out of the home of the dark-ones, and on the road to the Council.
From around the corner, three figures stroll into view. Feanor - heavily bandaged and limping, with her Ice Sprite perched on her back - and a larger, male reindeer attempting to support her.
"Get your hooves off me you oaf! I am fine."
"The doctor said you were not to--"
"I don't truly care what the doctor said, I am perfectly capable of walking on my own."
"With all respect, ambassadeer, it is my duty to--"
"Ambassadeer no longer. And your duty is to keep me alive and do as you are told. Two jobs, Sten. You are quite capable at the former, but less than adequate the latter."
"If you would let me finish--!"
"Cog," Feanor calls to the Sprite lounging on her back, "Turn him into an ice cube if he speaks again."
'Aye, aye Captain ma'am!" Cog winces apologetically at the buck, "Sorry buddy. She's the boss."
Sten hovers a few steps behind, eyes alert and suspicious as Feanor strolls toward the Dark Ones, managing to look graceful despite her limp. Her eyes pass over Zeel (whom she acknowledges with only the most curt nod) to fall on Fluffy. Her smile turns genuine upon seeing the smaller reindeer.
"Well, well. If it isn't my favorite pact-bound lunatic!" Her smile fades slightly on seeing Fluffy's injuries, "How are you feeling?" she asks, a little awkwardly.
Fluffy sudenly screams "Fea" and attempts to move quicky to Fea but stops from the pain of her broken ribs and leg. "I'm fine, well at least in better shape then you. Glad to see your recovering nicely."
"Good to hear your good to Fea" at this point Fluffys tone changes to a more menising tone as she pulls out a knife, "you know your assisstent, Cog, would be alot more quiet if you just give me a minute." As fluffy is now staring at Cog with a merdery smile on her face.
He waves his book and one last building reveals itself, a cloak wearing off. This one is wildly different from the rest of the city, styled much more after the houses of Rein.
"Considering the circumstances, I figured this was appropriate..."
"Fine Zeel,"but just before entering Fluffy sparks up, "Hay Fea I just remembered I made a gift for you"
Fluffy then creates a portal and pools out a cushion of sort, but upon further inspection the fur on the cushion is made of the same fur on the alpaca that Feanor killed during OSW.
"Hope you like it"
as Fluffy walks by Zack appears and gives a menacing look to Cog.
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