Characters age


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
In terms of their literal age in years, we don't know yet (though I'm fairly certain Arizona has been stated to be a 1 year old). Animals in TFH have lifespans that match with their real life counterparts, so for instance, a cow in this game will live roughly as long as a cow in real life. Their maturity levels have been scaled accordingly.

Here's a quote from the recap thread:

I'll even give you a linear comparison of the cast's ages.


Their expected lifespans and maturity rates, however, differ according to species. A "wise elder" for the Cattle or Sheeple would in linear years be a youngling to the Longma, but already have kids and grandkids by the time a longma would end early childhood. If you were to order them by the "maturity" stage in their species lifespans, you'd get


Although Oleander is technically "older" than Velvet and Paprika, she's just out/in the tail end of unicorn puberty*, while both Reindeer and Alpaca are considered "young" adults in their individual communities and species.

*She was 13 when she married pact'd with Fred, and 26/27 by the time of the game's plot.