Best Character Creator?


Pizza Pasta
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 7, 2016
What do you think are some of the best character creators out in gaming?

Some of my favorites are:
Soul Calibur 5
Def Jam: FIght For NY
Saints Row 3


One Fiery Birdie
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Connecticut, USA
Agreed Saint's Row 3 and 4 are great. Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma can make a wide variety too. For the most part the more sliders a character creator has the better it is IMO, while of course maintaining presets for those who don't want to get too in-depth.

Dragon's Dogma has the benefit of widely varying body sizes and types. And I think creating a smaller character would actually let you go through some tighter caves, if the in game prompts are anything to go by, which is pretty cool. (I made a pretty huge character).

Here's an idea, we could share some of our favorite characters we've created.

(I actually got invaded by an arbiter while trying to take this screenshot, but I dispatched the ruffian)

I had just left a message where ENB died the first time in his From the Dark playthrough.

She really adopted the superhero thing in 4
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Have you seen the one in Star Trek Online? I think that one has one of the most extensive ever! Even the color options are huge for almost everything!
Indeed. It allows for a great amount of customization. I even made a little green man with a massive head that burnt and pillaged worlds in the name of the Federation.

Oblivion gets my vote not because it was good, but because of the wondrous potential of making unholy monsters with that face maker. My little brother made an Orc that was simply wonderful nightmare fuel that he called 2hawt.


Veteran of being taken over by robots or something
Crowdfund Backer
Yeah, Saints Row IV's character creator is pretty cool. So cool, it's even available separate from the game itself in the form of the Inauguration Station. Also, here's my SRIV character if anybody's interested:

Yes, that is supposed to be Professor Snape from Harry Potter.

The original Dark Souls has a pretty interesting character creator as well. And, of course, Bethesda games come to mind (Skyrim etc.).
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Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 27, 2016
I don't really know. Whenever I mess with character creators, I unintentionally create some kind of monstrosity.

Shadow of Death

Grushdeva Du Kalt Misht
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
The later Saints Row games were pretty good, character creation wise. Some of the options were DLC-only though, weren't they?

Dragon's Dogma was alright. It offered a variety of options. I think the end results weren't so likely to turn out really attractive though.

I thought Skyrim's was alright. At least, with mods on PC anyway XD I forget that the vanilla version was more limited.

I think Fallout 4's has potential, but it probably requires someone with more artistic skills than myself, since a lot of it can be adjusted manually? I think the character creation mod for Skyrim ended up having that same sort of 'free transform' tool.

Yeah, Saints Row IV's character creator is pretty cool. So cool, it's even available separate from the game itself in the form of the Inauguration Station. Also, here's my SRIV character if anybody's interested:

Yes, that is supposed to be Professor Snape from Harry Potter.
To be fair, that's who I thought it was when I saw it. Not spot on, but close enough that I guessed who it was, so not bad.


Just a Guy
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Does Fable count for the purposes of this topic? That system is far from perfect, but I appreciate being able to customize and change my appearance during the game as many times as I want. Just wish you didn't age so fast. I always look like a svelt old man well before the end of the main story.


Pizza Pasta
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 7, 2016
Yeah, Saints Row IV's character creator is pretty cool. So cool, it's even available separate from the game itself in the form of the Inauguration Station. Also, here's my SRIV character if anybody's interested:

Yes, that is supposed to be Professor Snape from Harry Potter.

The original Dark Souls has a pretty interesting character creator as well. And, of course, Bethesda games come to mind (Skyrim etc.).
R.I.P Alan Rickman :(

Just going to throw out some examples...View attachment 391
...and from a game called "Modnation Racers"
This is amazing, I wish I was that good with Modnation Racer's character customizer.