Okay... so remember when I said...
Well, this next coloration job shows pretty much exactly what I meant:
View attachment 488
Can you spot the difference? I certainly can. I employed a more precise, and slightly more time consuming practice this time around, and I'm much happier with how it turned out. Smoother color transitions, less artifacts, and most evident... colored lines! Overall, I think it looks way more vivid than the previous one, and will certainly be refining the technique as I go. Now don't worry, Velvet enthusiasts, I'll go back and make her shine like she deserves before I take on the final project here. (until
@Kressent Rhodes grants me more to work on, ofc.
) However, for now, I have a more...
fiery task ahead of me.
P.S. It just occurred to me that I might unintentionally be stealing some of the spotlight here. The last thing I want to do is seem like I'm hogging the limelight, so if at any point you feel I'm overstepping my bounds, Rhodes, I'd be perfectly fine making my posts here more sparse, sending you the images privately for you to share here on your own terms, or even moving over to another thread, whatever you feel is necessary.