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  1. Firekirby

    TFH Early Access - Dev Tasklist

    Nice~. As an individual WITH a toaster computer, I do appreciate this being on the list. Out of curiosity, are 2D backgrounds still on the to-do list as well?
  2. Firekirby

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    You, my good sir, are brilliant.
  3. Firekirby

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Email from backerkit.
  4. Firekirby

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Thank you for that. XD
  5. Firekirby

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Actually, high noon is in about an hour, so we'll see how close to 12 PT they/backerkit manages to get things sent out pretty soon. ;)
  6. Firekirby

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Somehow I feel that recording gifs is probably a better idea. They can be easily uploaded directly to the forms, and can help keep things concise with simple editing.
  7. Firekirby

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Dat dab doe.
  8. Firekirby

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    When will the beta drop, when will the beta drop?
  9. Firekirby

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Most modern Windows platforms are able to recognize and automatically install basic wired 360 controllers when plugged in, so yeah, you should be fine.
  10. Firekirby

    [Forum Game] The Person Above Me

    Needs to learn how to dodge.
  11. Firekirby

    [Forum Game] The Person Above Me

    Went above and beyond the call of duty.
  12. Firekirby

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    You're fine. ;) And I'm right there with ya. This is the most excited I've been for a game in a long time, and the only other fighting game experience I have is casual smash, so I'll be struggling through the learning curves right along with ya, and I know for a fact plenty of others will be as...
  13. Firekirby

    [Forum Game] The Person Above Me

    Can only tell the truth.
  14. Firekirby

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Hopefully someone, probably @ManeSix , will be able to get that sorted for ya. If you need to continue talking about this subject, I would suggest doing so in the appropriate thread over here, made specifically for issues like this, to keep from derailing this thread entirely. ;)
  15. Firekirby

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Should have been automatic, same as the backer banner. If I had to guess, it's probably another hiccup by the automated system this time, and should be able to be fixed manually easy enough.
  16. Firekirby

    [Forum Game] The Person Above Me

    Has a friend named darkness.
  17. Firekirby

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Part of the reason they waited this long it to fix the sprites that were incomplete on the remaining characters. While not all of them will have their fully polished animations on beta day, from what I understand all characters will be playable come next week. Animations will still be getting...
  18. Firekirby

    Backers Beta: Are we there yet? // Backerkit accidentally all over the place

    Er... half a fortnight. A fortnight is two weeks. XD
  19. Firekirby

    Good news, Bad news, Stream news.

    Hmm... Probably the easiest way to think about a game engine is the set of tools with which developers can build, without needing to make everything from scratch. It's why you'll see drastically different games sometimes using the same engine, as the engine is more or less a foundation...
  20. Firekirby

    Backers Beta: Are we there yet? // Backerkit accidentally all over the place

    Thanks for the up- Oh, uh... We greatly appreciate the tran- Well, um... Good lu- Huh, welp. Pretty much everything I have to say on the matter has already been said, I suppose. I guess, uh... don't OD on the caffeine? That hasn't been said yet... right?