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  1. Word Association Game

  2. Word Association Game

  3. Word Association Game

  4. Question & Answer

    (No need to apologize, we all got different opinions so no point in saying sorry for expressing yours ^-^.) Hard to say, a lot of them are amazing... I'd probably have to go with Bane, despite me prefering marvel over DC, I really enjoy Batman and all the villians in the series. Favorite comic?
  5. Word Association Game

  6. Question & Answer

    Marvel, cause Spiderman. Seriously though I just prefer Marvels heroes to DC's (also not biased cause I played MvC3 for a while.) Least favorite Marvel character?
  7. Question & Answer

    I prefer playing fighting games with people I know, it's more fun and lends it's self to intense rematches. And if they're better than me then I can rematch them to learn how to not get bodied. How do you feel about taunts in any capacity?
  8. Undertale

    Huh, that's my favorite track aswell! And my favorite place visually, I dig the atmosphere there... And in the whole game, this game just oozes charm.
  9. Undertale

    Clever Tox, very clever =P. Anyway, you should definetly pick it up, it's a pretty good and interesting game... Also the ost is flipping amazing!
  10. Word Association Game

  11. Word Association Game

  12. Question & Answer

    Probably "A horse with no name" by America What's the oldest movie that you've watched and enjoyed?
  13. Question & Answer

    "Earth Tiger | 1938, 1998 | Proud and arrogant, alive with ambition, rich in enterprising spirit." That's pretty much the exact opposite of me. If you could have any personality trait that you don't have what would it be and why.
  14. Question & Answer

    Virgo, and very accurate. What's your chinese zodiac and is it's description accurate to you.
  15. Question & Answer

    (I like your choice in hats, and my god those are some fantastic pants.) Drums (totally not biased because I play them). Favorite band/artist?
  16. Question & Answer

    6'4" Favorite article of clothing?
  17. Question & Answer

    Short hair. Do you prefer the opposite sex to be taller or shorter than you.
  18. Question & Answer

    I chugged 2 cups of maple syrup for 20 dollars once. What's the weirdest thing you've seen someone do in public?
  19. Introduce yourself

    Sweet! Looks like I'll have some fawn here.
  20. Introduce yourself

    Uh, hey... I guess it's my turn to introduce myself here. I'm Tiki, and im just a guy who enjoys making music, bad puns, playing games, wearing tuques (beanies for any non canadians) and cute critters. It'll be nice to meet all of you cool cats who hang around the forums. Thanks for reading...