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  1. EpicBleye

    Favorite Anime

    This spring season has a ton of great anime. Tanaka-kun is always listless has been an enjoyable slice of life thus far, while Re: Zero is developing a very interesting plot. The most notable anime of this season is definitely Kiznaiver, though. The intro is amazing and studio trigger is...
  2. EpicBleye


    Subspace was okay. At the very least it was enjoyable to see The nintendo characters interact with each other, and Pit's opening cinematic was awesome. Pokken's story just sucks, and the voice acting is literally laughable. Though from what I've heard all the VAs are all new or only had one...
  3. EpicBleye


    Weavile is a ton of fun to play as. Its just a shame he's so weak both health and strength wise.
  4. EpicBleye

    Rivals of Aether

    I'm really loving the Tower of Heaven stage. That's my favourite thing in the update by far (and the gameboy color palette)!
  5. EpicBleye

    Lawyer Friendly Equines Discussion Thread.

    Dashie best pone
  6. EpicBleye

    Favorite Anime

    Just finished Sakura Trick It's an experience that I highly recommend that everyone watches.
  7. EpicBleye

    Fire Emblem

    Beat Conquest. Characters were all great and definitely better than Birthright's as a whole. The story is better than people give it credit for, but only really holds up if you've played Birthright and are aware that Revelations exists. The ending was interesting, but leads a bit too much into...
  8. EpicBleye

    Nintendo General

    The issue is that no one liked Sticker Star and Paper Jam was boring. Like, TTYD was nearly perfect. When they deviated, it flopped. I get that they don't want to just release barely changed sequels, but they're making changes in all the wrong areas. ...i need to replay TTYD.
  9. EpicBleye

    Fire Emblem

    It won't be viable at all. You'll definitely need to start grinding other units fast, otherwise it's going to become nearly impossible to win. Anyway, I'm almost done with Conquest myself. The characters in this game are definitely better than Birthright's. Next up is Revelations, though I am...
  10. EpicBleye

    Lawyer Friendly Equines Discussion Thread.

    What an interesting way to spell Gottagofast.
  11. EpicBleye


    It kind of was though. Pokemon was very ahead of its time with what they had to work with.
  12. EpicBleye

    Fire Emblem

    I've actually moved on to Conquest myself. I'm playing Normal/Casual so I can get through the story, and know what's coming up for when I do my Hard/Classic playthrough. Chapter 10 was somewhat difficult on that mode, but I suppose that's natural considering this is the first "classic" styled...
  13. EpicBleye


    I always choose grass starters in my game. I've always liked them the most (Chespin and Snivy stand out as my favorites). It's just a shame that Gens II and III had a real hatred for grass-types in their games.
  14. EpicBleye


    I would like some semblance of what the new Pokemon are like, but I do enjoy discovering a ton of new pokemon when I play the games. It's one of the reasons I loved Black and White so much. I knew some of the Pokemon that were out, but when I actually played it I found so many others that I...
  15. EpicBleye


    Played this for the first time ever a couple nights ago, and I absolutely adore it. Some of the stories are really sad, though. I really enjoy playing as Ms. Fortune (her Mami coloration is amazing), but I haven't quite figured out all her combos. Using her head to catch my opponent off guard...
  16. EpicBleye


    I thought the same thing. But then I did it. Bad times were had.
  17. EpicBleye

    Lawyer Friendly Equines Discussion Thread.

    It was hard not to. When I first started watching the show (between Seasons 1 and 2), the theme made me go "uh, what?" when I first watched it after hearing so many people talk about the show.
  18. EpicBleye

    Fire Emblem

    I've heard that Chapter 10 is giving a lot of people trouble on Hard/Classic Conquest, so best of luck! I'll probably do the same difficulty when I get to Conquest.. though maybe on Casual rather than Classic due to my schedule. Right now, I've been playing Hard/Casual Birthright. I don't let...
  19. EpicBleye

    Fire Emblem

    I've decided to play birthright first, then conquest. I like it. Harder than Awakening but it allowed me to get used to the new mechanics of the game. Apparently the end of Birthright is incredibly hard even with capped units, so I'm excited. Though, i think i liked Awakening's cast more than...
  20. EpicBleye

    Fire Emblem

    So Fates comes out today. I'm excited. Probably going to buy Conquest simply because I like the box art more.