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  1. Lord Gyron

    Final Fantasy Dissidia

    Ahhhhh yeah! Pirshe (Pirsche?) and Tifa! Those were the other two I played all the time~
  2. Lord Gyron

    Final Fantasy Dissidia

    Well, that might just be the "playing vs. seeing" kind of feels. And yoooooooo~ Onion Knight power! XD I also played so much of that game, finally seeing a new one is so awesome even still~ Though, to be honest, I'm not sure who they are going to add besides him now, if any. Oh, also mainly...
  3. Lord Gyron

    Would you watch a TFH television series?

    This, in particular, was discussed several times in the streams during the indiegogo event. While some of us thought a TV show could happen, some of the Mane6 team thought it would more than likely become a comic more than anything before that (despite me thinking it could go show with how much...
  4. Lord Gyron

    Lawyer Friendly Equines Discussion Thread.

    If you loved any of the BG ponies, you gotta see at least episode 100. Still my favorite episode~
  5. Lord Gyron

    Final Fantasy Dissidia

    Despite me loving Super Smash Bros., Skullgirls, and Street Fighter, I still find myself enjoying this one whenever I pick it back up. Anybody else play this? Any favorite characters?
  6. Lord Gyron

    Would you watch a TFH television series?

    Personally, I could see it. The problem is in most fighting games is the lack of story they have. While the games may have an overarching story, it doesn't often give us the big points of character development. I could see TFH being a sort of Pokemon Origins to the Lawyer Friendly Equines series in a way, though...
  7. Lord Gyron

    Can we count to 100?

    ((-100 + 500) - (((5x2)^2)x5) + 58) ... should be right XD GAH I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING! XD
  8. Lord Gyron


    I've had a range, from competitive w/ friends and Pokemon Showdown to the casual to the Nuzlockes (oh god why....) I'll just add some of my favorite Pokemon anyways~ Torterra Frosslass Gardevoir Banette (and Mega) Breloom Kangaskhan Octillary Chimecho Swalot Floatzel
  9. Lord Gyron

    Introduce yourself

    Let's see... how to go about this... I'm Lord Gyron, the Lordliest of all Gyron's, though I also go by Scripture, GyronDarson, Zeron, and HybridTriad. I'm a Creative Writing Major, wishing Gaming could be a minor, semi-entrepeneur, dabbler in the intricacies of computers, Experimental Chef...
  10. Lord Gyron

    Versus Corner

    I'm surprised I haven't seen this already but I might as well add one in. VERSUS CORNER! Multiplayer experiences with friends! Obviously the normal rules of the forum apply but I will put up a few "guidelines" that I really REALLY urge anyone using this thread to adhere to... Be wary of who...
  11. Lord Gyron

    Backer Status forum privileges

    Just to be sure, I'll post to line myself up for backer confirmation~