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  1. Haribokid

    Palette Reference Guide

    First of, i really like that the first thing you think about my skin, is Avatar. Because i adore this series. But to be honest. The pallet is a combination of my favorite colors orange and pink. Yellow and brown are in, because they look good with orange and pink.
  2. Haribokid

    This character is dope, and you should feel dope for playing her

    Getting a chain of flammes togehter feels great and makes this charakter awesome!
  3. Haribokid

    Why Velvet is the best

    I life in extrems. So when i like Tianhua scales, i only can like Velvets floof. In Tianhua words, she is „impressiv!“
  4. Haribokid

    Ideal Lobby Items

    When no one wants to Name them, then i do it: Team Captain Towering Pillar of Hats Gibus A bag or a piece of paper with a character on it A burning Hat... (i dont know how harsh the TF2 copyright is)
  5. Haribokid

    Favorite Anime

    I really enjoyed Death Parade, Kirby, FMA, Fate Stay Night, Attack on Titan, Madoka Magica, things from Studio Ghibli and Berserk
  6. Haribokid

    [Forum Game] The Person Above Me

    Likes meat
  7. Haribokid

    Nintendo General

    Besides all reason, i'm really pumped for the Switch. I think battery is doable. With power saving components like cartridges. The Tegra-Processor sounds also promesing. For games besides Zelda nothing is announced, but that Splatoon looked also like a new one and i can recommend Splatoon. What...
  8. Haribokid

    [Forum Game] The Person Above Me

    Brings the end to us all! You fool!
  9. Haribokid

    The TFHs Original Character Thread

    I have two OC, they i recycle in some fandoms. First one [/B] Organization: Chill Dudes of Nothingness Background: As far he knows, for breakfast he had some salad (and some insects). [/SPOILER]
  10. Haribokid


    Woho! I'm so excited about pokemon sun/moon. I gonna get moon after release. The demo is fun and a good way to make money for the real game. As starter i take Popplio.
  11. Haribokid

    [FactionRP] Proud Nation of Velvetia [Velvet]

    Oh i like it here. This place is about fashion! Count me in!
  12. Haribokid

    Introduce yourself

    Is it not because of the Email for the character color palette? Before the mail i didn't know about the forum.
  13. Haribokid


    Hey i play Overwatch too! Master Overwatch — Haribokid#2760 on PC (EU) — Profile Overview The Halloween brawl is funny. I got all achievements in it. I don't buy Loot Boxes. I take the one that drop and buy skins that i really want form the coins. When i dont get a skin, than is it that way. I...
  14. Haribokid

    Introduce yourself

    Heyoo! I'm Hari. So you sure want to know what i like? Be prepared! I like Videogames! Amongst other games i like Overwatch, TF2, Pokemon, another Nintendo IP, [...], another Nintendo IP, Off, Undertale, Half Life and Portal. I like some TV/Webshows/Anime/Cartoon! Amongst other shows i like...