Them's Fightin' Herds is available now on PC and consoles!
Buy a copy from these links: Steam (Windows, Linux, & Mac) Epic Games Store (Windows) Maximum Games Store (Playstation, Switch, & Xbox)
Dood! I love the Disgaea series, dood. I own 2, 3, 4, and the sequel to the first one, dood. I might even get the PC port, dood, but I'll have to look into it.
In case you can't tell dood, I love Prinnies!
As little as I may know about fighting games... I shall say this. Pom is who I'd like to main, her and Paprika. No idea if I'll be able to, of course, but I can try!
Good tidings, every one! My name is Frogmyre, and I'm the froggiest frog you'll ever meet. I consider myself a writer, and might even eventually write a TFH fan fic. But that is for the future!
Pom may be my main, her or Paprika. But none shall escape the adorableness of her puppies.
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