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  1. Rashy

    Backer Status forum privileges

    Doesn't seem to be showing up for me. I am in the $40 tier, please fix. I do believe that I used a different email to create this account than the one I backed with though, don't know if that helps or not. EDIT: Fixed. Thanks for the help! Can't wait for this beta to get started.
  2. Rashy

    What would "ruin" Them Fightin' Herds for you?

    Always online would give me cancer, but micro-transactions wouldn't bother me too bad, so long as their purely aesthetic.
  3. Rashy

    A case for Paprikia's and Tianhuo's Magic

    I think she had six of them, and once she used them, they were gone and she lost her ability to use projectiles for the round. Also, nice taste in Pokemon.
  4. Rashy

    Which crossover character would you like in TFH?

    Ryu. Obviously.
  5. Rashy


    Fairies are ridiculously OP as they are. Steel and Poison are hilariously bad types offensively, so bulk fairies are kind of unchallenged, plus the only pokemon that can stand up to fairies realistically are steel types because most poison type pokemon arent very viable and fire types are...
  6. Rashy


    Pffffft, please. Everyone knows that Fairy type ubermensch is unchallenged
  7. Rashy

    The "What are you playing right now, and progress" Topic.

    Final Fantasy Six. Sort of just started. Beat that dumb snail thing.
  8. Rashy

    My Favorite Game Is S**t

    Some dumb kid watches his mother die, gets psychic powers from a transvestite, and tries to bring down Capitalism and an army of fat guys wearing pigmasks.
  9. Rashy

    My Teammates are Idiots

    Public matches of DotA. E V E R Y T I M E
  10. Rashy

    Mane6 Work Stream #3

    Ayyy more streams! So glad I donated. Never change, Mane6!
  11. Rashy

    Which sapient ungulate races would you like to see in Foenum?

    Give me a giraffe. That'd be the greatest. Not even one cut down for size or anything. Just have it clip off of the top of the screen. That would be amazing.
  12. Rashy

    Friend Safari Exchange

    @Quid Added
  13. Rashy

    Friend Safari Exchange

    Rashy 0061-0793-4823 I hve fire type, forget with what tho.
  14. Rashy

    Friend Safari Exchange

    Alright boys, post your Safaris for Pokemon X and Y. Include your Mii names and friend codes... OR ELSE
  15. Rashy

    Who you want to main; who you probably will

    Gonna probably main Paprika, will probably try out Pom tho.
  16. Rashy


    I'm a pleb, but I play. My account is Aerial Ace.