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  1. Nexus

    Backers' Beta Started!

    Thanks BackwardCap, you're a lifesaver.
  2. Nexus

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    I have things to do today, so I probably won't be able to settle down and play anything until late in the evening. I figure it'll be up by then, so it all works out fine for me!
  3. Nexus

    Good news, Bad news, Stream news.

    Watching the development of this game has been a dream come true. This is one of the most high quality, most reliable, most well-coordinated kickstarter games I've ever seen. I'm so happy I contributed to it. I'm so excited to play it. The fact that you guys are giving it more time to make it...
  4. Nexus

    Your hopes and fears for TFH?

    Personally, I fear that the expectations of those who follow the project might hurt the Mane6 Devteam's future endeavors. Everyone will hype so much over what TFH could be, they won't recognize the success of what TFH might be. The game could "only" get seven characters, a concise story, and a...
  5. Nexus

    Introduce yourself

    Heyo! My name's Nexus, a creative writing/communication double major who's been invested in this project since it first began. Happy to see that everything appears to be going well for the team so far, and I look forward to both the story and gameplay of TFH.