Search results

  1. Angel Bee

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Did you see it in the BackerKit link that NeoTensai provided? That's how I was able to access my BackerKit and find the code. It should ask you for your email to look at the survey. When you click on that, it'll send you a link via email & bring you to your BackerKit page with your rewards with...
  2. Angel Bee

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Thanks! I got it! :D Can't wait to try this out at last! ^ ^ It's the main reason I downloaded Steam recently.
  3. Angel Bee

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Don't see the email yet. :( *keeps refreshing*
  4. Angel Bee

    After Mighty no. 9, should we be worried?

    I agree in that we don't have anything to worry about at all. I've been keeping a close eye on this project since the day I backed it and Mane 6 seems determined to take their time and make sure everything is working completely well and their livestreams are proof of their hard work in making...