Them's Fightin' Herds is available now on PC and consoles!
Buy a copy from these links: Steam (Windows, Linux, & Mac) Epic Games Store (Windows) Maximum Games Store (Playstation, Switch, & Xbox)
Workin' on getting tutorial mode out in an update soon! Visuals/text are WIP as usual. Most of the trials themselves are done. Just debugging them now.
Not super sure where to post this, but I've been a little too lax about checking these forums. I'm most active on discord and I'm always taking active feebdack there!
Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers
I'm also working really hard to get a patch out right now.
Given your card I suspect this might be something graphics related. Do you have a .mdmp file I can look at?
Right click the game, properties, browse local files and there should be a .mdmp file sitting next to the game exe
It's technically not a bug... as much as I hate it.
I want to uncap the fps limit but I would need to take a look at what issues it might cause as side effects.
Also your avatar is %200 nostalgia bombing me right now.
While I work on grabbing someone, here's some easy things to try (you may already have done a few):
1) computer restart (yeah I know "have you tried turning it off and on again" but it really does fix an amazing amount of problems)
2) Try deleting your save data. Just remove everything in...
My hands are a little bit tied at the moment, so I'm gonna see if I can get someone in this thread to help you out.
In the meantime, I'll say that TFH should support pretty much every controller ever natively. Controller emulation software of any sort only seems to cause problems, so just make...
yeeeaaaahhhh, I agree the first doesn't fit.
Basically, we just couldn't make anything equivalent with a hoof that would be recognized as an icon that would reasonably fit in that space. It's kind of a silly problem. A hoof looks like just a rectangle. Sword doesn't work. Maybe like a big VS...
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