Search results

  1. Colynato

    Sketches & Doodles: for those of us who can't draw

    It looks good. It is hard to read the text. Maybe try a better contrasting color or maybe a font that is less blurry.
  2. Colynato

    How can TFH entice people?

    I think if we starting getting TFH into the incoming game spotlight, the attention might help with enticing people...however... At this moment, TFH isn't even in the GameFAQ databases and some other sites. So I think, we might want to start getting TFH's information out before we can entice...
  3. Colynato

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Backers' Beta starts May 25

    Spot on! Exactomodo!
  4. Colynato

    Um... What is this Ob3y thing?

    Ob3y? I don't understand. I'm pretty spooped guys. Can someone hold me? :eek:
  5. Colynato

    [FactionRP] Goat Cult

    My sincerest apologies. I did not intend to offend or insult the dignity of anyone. I was merely making a small jest by referencing an old Sci-Fi Film called Altered States. Please accept my sincerest apologies for my transgression.
  6. Colynato

    [FactionRP] The Hunters [Predators]

  7. Colynato

    Why do you like TFH?

    Aww man I can only pick four options? I was gonna pick all of them! D:
  8. Colynato

    A Moment of Silence for the Glory

    Great job being silent guys.
  9. Colynato

    [FactionRP] Goat Cult

    Deerest members of the Goat Cult herd, I am ready for the coming of Goat. I am ready to learn the ways of Goat. I am ready to wombo-combo and pwn n00bs through the power of Goat. I am ready to spread the word of Goat. I am ready to live my life to the fullest in the name of Goat. I am ready...
  10. Colynato

    Neat Ideas

    Perhaps to compensate for the smaller roster. What if there were 2v2 or 3v3 gameplay options? Oh yeah, I'm not just talking just the generic "tag-team" 2v2 or 3v3. I'm talking 2v2 or 3v3 MUGEN/SuperSmashBros style! (see attachment) I might be starry eyed, but just think of the replay value...
  11. Colynato

    Introduce yourself

    Hey guys, I'm Colynato! I like cute stuff and fighting games! Sorry, I'm relatively new to forums. I'm also juggling college and work in the meantime, but hopefully I can still take part in the fun and get to know you guys. Let's party!