Them's Fightin' Herds is available now on PC and consoles!
Buy a copy from these links: Steam (Windows, Linux, & Mac) Epic Games Store (Windows) Maximum Games Store (Playstation, Switch, & Xbox)
yeah my money was taken, but like you said, a least it was only the absolute minimum tier that would have still gotten me the game if I had responded to the survey by the deadline.
So I made a post last week about this and had not heard anything so it was suggested I post on this thread.
I originally backed at the $15 Foenum Settler tier under an older e-mail address, that I have since stopped using. I have now updated my indiegogo account to this same address as the one...
I originally backed at the $15 Foenum Settler tier under an older e-mail address, that I have since stopped using. I have now updated my indiegogo account to this same address as the one I used to create this forum account.
Since updates were going to that old account I missed them and only...
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