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  1. Quid


    How's everyone's playthroughs going? I just completed the water trial today : ) I know, I'm going super slow - just been so busy lately! Though it didn't help that over the last week or so I've been breeding and wonder trading 90+ Rockruffs for Christmas. And then got distracted doing a series...
  2. Quid

    Mane6 Work Stream #11

    Just watched part one of the stream; really cool stuff! Especially the design tips from Lauren, that's all really great advice that I'm definitely going to try incorporating into my own work more. Just a quick note, and I apologise if it's already mentioned in later parts, but when you were...
  3. Quid


    @ShadowLightMew It's one code per game, unfortunately. At least you can trade the Volcanion itself over and back for the 'dex entry. Meganium certainly takes more design liberties than fossil Pokemon, but its stance has always reminded me of a Brachiosaur with a short tail: I am totally...
  4. Quid


    @Metafogos Cool point about Lileep! I didn't know about Dinomischus. This does remind me - I forgot to point out in my monster post that it's all possibilities, not certainties. The designers haven't come out and said exactly what their inspiration for each Pokemon was, so there's no way to...
  5. Quid


    (Continued due to img limit) Archeops is based off of Archaeopteryx and its close(ish) relative Microraptor: Tyrantrum is based off of Tyrannosaurus rex and similar dinosaurs like Cryolophosaurus. It's really neat that they included a feathered crest, as T. Rex may have had feathers! Feather...
  6. Quid


    Disclaimer: I am totally just doing this because I love Palaeontology : ) Omanyte is based off of an ammonite: Kabuto is based on both trilobites and their extant (still living) cousins horseshoe crabs: Aerodactyl is some sort of pterosaur: Lileep is a crinoid. There are still crinoids...
  7. Quid


    Jararanga's appearance reminds me of scale armour, making me think that it may be inspired by soldiers like ancient Romans or Samurai. I can't think of any extinct animals that resemble Jangmo-o or it's evolutions - at least to the extent that previous fossil Pokemon have been, they're...
  8. Quid

    Graphically Marvelous Games

    Journey's a beautiful game - lacking text and voices, it relies heavily on the visuals and soundtrack to get across the story and pulls it off so well. I'm particularly fond of its use of colour. Edit: oh, and ditto in regards to Wind Waker, but what I love most about that game are the shapes...
  9. Quid


    I think you're right. Being a ghost type, it very well may just possess any sand grains around it to make its 'body'. Kinda like how a poltergeist throws clutter around in a basement, but on a larger (or is that smaller?) scale.
  10. Quid


    Yeah, that was a lot of general information for anyone else reading who might be curious. The tldr answers your question - the shiny rom Pokemon you were asking about are hacked. They are not legit.
  11. Quid


    @ShadowLightMew I believe the distinction you're looking for is whether the shiny Pokemon from the rom are 'legit' or 'legal'. 'Hacked' is often used to refer to any Pokemon that was obtained through unofficial means; the shiny rom 'mons are definitely hacked. 'Legal' means that the Pokemon's...
  12. Quid


    Apparently Ninetales only live on top of a snowy holy mountain in Alola (Vulpix originally moved up there because they were crowded out from other areas), and the Sandshrew line was driven out of the deserts by frequent volcanic eruptions. I'm loving the changes they've made to Ninetales -...
  13. Quid


    Huh, I'm surprised that the WiiU port is easier. I wonder why that could be? At least you can make it a bit harder with the Ganondorf amiibo. As for the control schemes, I'm torn. Shaking the wiimote for the sword is a pain, I'd much rather just press a button, but aiming for arrows is so much...
  14. Quid


    Detective Pikachu can speak Japanese in the game, so it'll probably speak English/Japanese in the movie.
  15. Quid


    Probably a word filter meant to avoid mention of a certain crepuscular equine. The Gamecube was my first TV console, and boy do I love it. Didn't have a lot of games for it, just Pokemon Colosseum, a couple of Sonic games and Windwaker. Windwaker was more than enough to make it worthwhile...
  16. Quid


    Its markings look more like a red panda's, maybe that has something to do with it? Also pikaboo is hilarious and I love it. Just the sort of creepy fairy type I was hoping for! Edit: Also, Kiteruguma's bone-crushing hugs remind me of Paprika. And Mimikkyu's name sounds like "Mimic You", very cute!
  17. Quid


    It's probably has a mixture of different influences. The komodo dragon and other venomous lizards probably have some influence (note that komodo dragons have been found to be venomous, disproving the earlier assumption that it was bacteria on their fangs that poisoned their prey). Poisonous...
  18. Quid


    Anyone playing Pokemon Go? My phone's not compatible unfortunately, but it seems fun.
  19. Quid


    I'm loving the new designs personally, particularly Togedemaru and Vikavolt. Solid designs imo, even the more odd looking ones make sense when you realise their inspirations (e.g. Charjabug is a 9-volt battery, Bruxish is based off Hawaii's state fish). The writeups for each 'mon on the official...
  20. Quid

    E3 Trailers/Reviews

    Nintendo are going to show a few more games in their Treehouse live presentation, but it's probably not going to be very much.