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  1. Frost Aura

    Knick Knack - My Original Champion - Portrait Added!

    Haha, I see what you did with the name there! C'est très cool.
  2. Frost Aura

    How to fighting with Tianhuo?i only going Velvet

    Also rereading the first post, Shatter B isn't really your best antiair. For that, you wanna use 2D. Uhh... If you mean when she goes over you to crossup, you hold away. If she's attacking you right above? I'm fairly sure blocking the same way you were blocking before should work? 2D is once...
  3. Frost Aura

    How to fighting with Tianhuo?i only going Velvet

    Practice blocking. For the next few games, do nothing but block. Don't care if you lose or anything, just focus on blocking. Then practice pushblocking. Once you have that and can perform it consistently, practice Cross Canter. And finally, when you have a bit of space, 1D is your friend.
  4. Frost Aura

    Dealing with Pom's Air game (and other move)

    It seems to work for me, but I do nutty stuff a lot. I shouldn't be encouraging shatter c.
  5. Frost Aura

    Any TFH Players in the Metro Vancouver Area (Canada)?

    Cool! I'm from Burnaby (See: Everyone just assumes it's Vancouver) myself.
  6. Frost Aura

    Any TFH Players in the Metro Vancouver Area (Canada)?

    Hey, so I was wondering if the were any Metro Vancouverites or even British Colombians on the forums that'd like to try and get something done sometime perhaps?
  7. Frost Aura

    Any TFH fans in Vancouver, BC?

    So, not sure if anyone else in the area will see this, but I'm planning to bring TFH to VSB again tonight.
  8. Frost Aura

    Knick Knack - My Original Champion - Portrait Added!

    No sir, thank YOU for sharing your amazing idea with us. The quality of this is amazing and you should be proud of yourself and what you've done.
  9. Frost Aura

    Feb 22 - Still release // Unexpected change of plans

    >Inb4 "Hah, they couldn't do it, it's doomed to fail, this is unfinished garbage" Despite anything that might crop up, I'm still 100% behind it and will be purchasing it this Thursday! :olliegrin:
  10. Frost Aura

    Quick question regarding translations

    French Student here, I honestly like where you guys are going with this, and if anything takes off from here, I'd like to help.
  11. Frost Aura

    Group Photo!

    Great work!
  12. Frost Aura

    Them's Fightin' Herds Release Date Announced

    $15 USD
  13. Frost Aura

    Whose line is it anyway?

    I like this! I'll be listening closely to the streams to help with this now!
  14. Frost Aura

    Introducing the Cast of Them's Fightin' Herds

    Tara pls
  15. Frost Aura

    Level 3 supers?

    Full creds to @Rich Jammer for the inception of the vid, I just think this could work well? (Tweaked of course, to avoid copyright issues if any.)
  16. Frost Aura


    You mean Daisy Pusher->cLP->Daisy Pusher (until one meter left) -> throw forward -> Squigly Battle Opera-> jHK->Fallen Woman That's what I do. It seems to work more often than it should.
  17. Frost Aura

    Frost's Ramshackle Art Stand - New Fanart

    Thanks! I had a lot of fun drawing her too!
  18. Frost Aura

    Frost's Ramshackle Art Stand - New Fanart

    Well, after a "small" delay, I've finally gotten off my butt and finished Alandra as Jeanne. What I tweaked from the WIP were the lighter 'smears' across her beast summoning hair, I removed the zipper and instead gave her the ruby red Umbran Watch / necklace, the lines are also cleaner, and...
  19. Frost Aura

    Woo! We made it to February!

    ">inb4 delayed again" Let's hope not tho
  20. Frost Aura

    List of Livestream Lore/Gameplay Bits
