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  1. WereWeasel42

    Word Association Game

  2. WereWeasel42

    Question & Answer

    I really like the work of Sabrina Cotugno. She has a webcomic called Glass Scientists (Chapter I) it’s about a society of mad scientists in Victoria era London, and their leader, the apparently impeccably perfect Dr. Jekyll who “Hyde”s a secret. It’s fantastic. She was also a storyboard...
  3. WereWeasel42

    Question & Answer

    Zoom staring Tim Allen. Greatest film of the 2000s. Who’s your favorite sell out actor? (Actor who is or was in seemingly everything. Morgan Freeman, George Lopez etc.)
  4. WereWeasel42

    Word Association Game

  5. WereWeasel42

    Question & Answer

    No, she just has a bad laugh. Lots of people have bad laughs. It doesn’t make them evil! Are you looking forward to anything on TV?
  6. WereWeasel42

    Word Association Game

  7. WereWeasel42

    TFH Main Theme Petition

    The menu theme is so good I'd listen to it for hours.
  8. WereWeasel42

    Vote for your favorite ungulate! [Early Access Edition]

    I used to be eh about Oleander but when the voice lines came out and it was KEITH FERGUSON as Fred I fell in love with them and their dynamic.
  9. WereWeasel42

    Question & Answer

    Camooflage. Favorite Tina pallet?
  10. WereWeasel42

    Oleanders life between BoL and game

    I always assumed she left the Woodlands. I don’t know why I thought that was canon, I can’t find anything about it now that I'm looking for it, but I always sort of assumed she’s was eventually banished and then wandered around while Fred taught her how to fight.
  11. WereWeasel42

    Question & Answer

    Naw. People who wouldn’t pay for handheld games anyway play mobile games. People who would pay for handheld games are usually still willing to shell out money for higher quality games. Would you rather have a ferret or a rabbit?
  12. WereWeasel42

    [Forum Game] The Person Above Me

    Has a lot on their mind.
  13. WereWeasel42

    [Forum Game] The Person Above Me

    Would meme about a robo clone as DLC.
  14. WereWeasel42

    Word Association Game

  15. WereWeasel42

    Your Game of the Year for 2017

    Hollow Knight for me definitely. It’s such a great game with crisp combat and tight platforming alongside moody, thrilling exploration and cute character designs. I love the soundtrack too; Hornet’s theme is the best.
  16. WereWeasel42

    What's your favorite move?

    I love the animation for Oleander’s Doom Claw. It’s so good. But I gotta agree that Smite (or cuthulu head, or Medusa head) is really good.
  17. WereWeasel42

    Future Palettes

    A Buzz Lightyear skin with LGM puppies?
  18. WereWeasel42

    General Paprika Discussion Thread

    Jab does it
  19. WereWeasel42

    Track Variations

    I know Arizona’s theme uses organ (sounds like a 4 bar to me, but it’s probably electric), heavy electric guitar, and harmonica. I think there’s some regular acoustic guitar too, and some woodblock and cowbell in the rythmn section for good measure. Most of these instruments are used in...
  20. WereWeasel42

    Word Association Game
