Them's Fightin' Herds is available now on PC and consoles!
Buy a copy from these links: Steam (Windows, Linux, & Mac) Epic Games Store (Windows) Maximum Games Store (Playstation, Switch, & Xbox)
It's a general rule that I suck at fighting games. I'm hoping that's not the case with TFH, and it looks like it will be really fun to play, but really I'm here for the art, characters, music, and story.
My favorites have to be Eevee and Sneasel.
Right now in Y my entire party is Eeveelutions. It's... a little unbalanced and my Umbreon doesn't know enough Dark moves because I evolved him at too high a level, but...
I think it's funny how so many people are saying "cartoons based on fighting games never work". Imagine someone saying six or seven years ago "cartoons for girls could never attract an adult male fanbase", or a little more recently "a fighting game with four-legged characters would never work"...
I think it might be interesting to see Blitz from Velvet's backstory as a playable character. I'm not quite sure how that would work story-wise, though.
Other than that, I don't really have a strong opinion on the inclusion or exclusion of male characters.
When I first saw stuff about Fighting is Magic, I was just in awe. It was the first fan project I had seen that didn't look like a fan project. It looked legit; it had the same look and feel as the show while also appearing to be a fairly solid fighting game(from my limited experience with the...
True, but ceremonial armor implies the existence of functional armor; if there isn't actual armor in their society, why wear something that looks like it for special occasions?
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