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  1. Korencz11

    Shatter is Over Powered and this is why

    :arishock: I think you might've missed the point here. It's not about dealing with shatter per say, but shatter A itself is particularly unbalanced because of the character it's attached to. Shatter C just doesn't belong as it is and I vehemently believe it's better than people give it credit...
  2. Korencz11

    Shatter is Over Powered and this is why

    After the recent patch, it has occurred to me that not everyone understands why exactly they hate Shatter (A & C specifically), so today I'm going to clear that up. Shatter A is a back-swaying, high-crushing, 3/4ths of the screen, lingering low that can be cancelled into snowballs and linked...
  3. Korencz11

    All animations

    There are like, five people total working on the game right now which includes scripting, testing, animation, sound, writing and every other aspect that goes into the game. That would be nice, but the people aren't there to work on everything all the time.
  4. Korencz11

    It's like my fingers are made of lead

    Smash isn't a fighting game /s Basic rule of thought when coming into a fighting game is that you will get shit on until you git gud™ so, that's basically what you need to keep doing. Learning player combos helps, and part of learning the game is going to be "when can I fight back?" and "Where...
  5. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    I'm sorry? based on this, each rope has one active frame. So unless training mode is wrong, rope has less active frames than Arizona's pitiful jab, and the recovery on a whiffed rope is almost a whole second. Whiffing it is a death sentence and were it any other character, that kind of thing...
  6. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    Thanks for actually offering a civil counter argument. Tis appreciated. Now then, what you're saying here is a fair. It's not so much the matchup itself, but skill with the character is the determining factor. Honestly, the most frustrating thing about this match was not the blockstrings, if...
  7. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    Double post due to length. Alright, here's the problem with this whole thread: No one has disagreed with me about the matchup, especially in the fact that it's complete shit for Arizona. 7/3, 8/2, 9/1 the numbers don't mean much when the entire post was about the match up ruining my experience...
  8. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    Rich... These are really bad arguments for the most part, so I'm gonna go through and take this apart, if nothing but for what the example with most of this thread has had happen. 1, above. If that's what you wanted to say, then why didn't you say it that way? And yeah, I kinda do believe that...
  9. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    Gee, thanks for letting me know about basic attacks the character has. It's also a little telling when you say 'not all of Arizona's tools are useless' when you describe this. The fact that most every move you mentioned is highly unsafe on block really adds to the argument that I still have to...
  10. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    No one was complaining about the matchup because the stagger change was much more of a detriment to everything previously established. I don't ask for help from the servers because the last time I did that, I got talked down to by a condescending player who told me that nothing I brought to the...
  11. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    I have, and the sad truth is that most players I talk to agree with me.
  12. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    New update: The Tian/Arizona match up is so far skewed in Tian's favor that the game isn't worth playing anymore. It would be nice if you could just write it off as only 1/6th of the player base plays Tian, but in all honesty there are probably more Tian players than anything else. How does a...
  13. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    Thanks, this kind of response is exactly what I liked about this group to begin with.
  14. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    Okay, but that sentence does not say what this one does, or explain to me what setplay is and why it's not something they wanted in the game. This Furthermore, due to staggers being a reliable way to avoid mechanics intended to limit the potency of mixups after knockdowns, we have changed...
  15. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    Right, but that just tells me that it happened and a change was made. It doesn't explain why or give a reasoning as to what was wrong in the first place.
  16. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    It's nice to actually see this out in words since I couldn't ever find the real reason this happened anywhere. I have a new mindset on the whole thing now thanks to something else, but it certainly isn't super fun to play the game all the time. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for patches...
  17. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    So One, you're actively telling me that my playstyle is wrong. I just want you to let that sink in. You're telling me that I am playing the game wrong. If that's the case, then I don't want to play the game at all. Why play the game if I can't play it how I want to? That's utterly disgusting and...
  18. Korencz11

    I'm losing faith in this game.

    So, before I get all the negative comments of the maybe ~10 or so people remaining on this site, I'd like to preface that I backed this game and have been a beta player for a long time. I started with this game as my first fighting game, and quite honestly, I'm thinking about dropping it. I...
  19. Korencz11

    Koren makes Art stuff

    Ari-kage Kira is chosen! 6B has no weaknesses!
  20. Korencz11

    Koren makes Art stuff

    Herds TEAM Epic! Source