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  1. didyousaythat

    The "What are you playing right now, and progress" Topic.

    The Best Friends play-through of this game is immensely entertaining. Nothing tops Rage of Africa.
  2. didyousaythat

    The "What are you playing right now, and progress" Topic.

    Just finished playing Persona 3 and am caught up for Persona 5. Am working on Kingdom hearts: Chain of Memories for the time being.
  3. didyousaythat

    Favorite Anime

    Ok so I have to change my opinion. GATE is probably my favorite anime right now. Watching magic fantasy warriors get destroyed by modern day military forces just makes me all giddy and excited!
  4. didyousaythat

    Explain Yourself! (Avatar | CT | Sig)

    I have my avatar because it's from a game called Undertale and the image is a nice warm and fuzzy one that reminds me of good times from the game. No custom title and the signature was just something I came up with that was somewhat relevant to fighting games. Also my name is just my general...
  5. didyousaythat

    Rate the icon above you

    Looks like a teenage Celebi. 5/5
  6. didyousaythat

    So am I the only one here who isn't a brony?

    What he said.
  7. didyousaythat

    Favorite Anime

    Speaking of movies I just saw Wolf Children. Now that is a solid movie!
  8. didyousaythat

    M6 Officially Unofficial Gaming Night #2

    I'm most likely down to clown, but not sure yet. Gotta finish my homework and check tomorrow.
  9. didyousaythat

    Thoughts on SMT x Fire Emblem?

    I honestly still have no idea what this game is supposed to be.
  10. didyousaythat

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    The last Sonic game I was excited for was Generations, and it delivered well. Fine levels and fun throwbacks were exactly what I expected. Right now I look forward to absolutely nothing new that is Sonic related because it most likely going to be poor in quality. SEGA should stop for like a...
  11. didyousaythat

    Nintendo General

    I've really been feeling xenoblade recently. That style of RPG combat just seems so attractive to me. I also play smash whenever I get the chance, typically like an hour a day. I'm really looking forward to the Bayonetta 2 re-release and Fire Emblem Fates.
  12. didyousaythat


    To sum it up: it is the best game that i'll never play again.
  13. didyousaythat

    Favourite music

    Good stuff i'd say.
  14. didyousaythat

    [FactionRP] Glory to Ariz-totzka [Arizona]

    I dig Arizona partially because that's where I live. Also she looks pretty cool.
  15. didyousaythat

    How good are you at fighting games?

    Competitively I am my best when I play Smash. I can hold my own pretty well. I am kinda decent at Skullgirls, but would probably get murdered in competitive play. Everything else I can't do so well.
  16. didyousaythat

    Which crossover character would you like in TFH?

    Woolie for absolutely no good reason.
  17. didyousaythat

    Question & Answer

    Asparagus because it's bitter and stringy. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
  18. didyousaythat

    Lawyer Friendly Equines Discussion Thread.

    It's been a hot minute since I watched the show, but I did see the last season finale. My favorite is still Background Orange with Bookworm Hoers right with her since their both (usually) reasonable individuals. I didn't even bother watching the last Lawyer Friendly Hominids movie, it just looked unappealing and full of nothing...
  19. didyousaythat

    Favorite Anime

    I gotta say that at the moment i'm diggin Durarara right now. Aldnoa zero is up there too because BOY is that nuts.
  20. didyousaythat

    What song are you listening to right now?

    UFO- Lights Out. I would go to war to this song.