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  1. speed_rac3r

    Let's Create A Character! [GRIFFIN FACE PAINT]

    Hmm...well if we wanna do older adult and not completely good, why don't we do something like a bitter, cynical, cold older adult type? She could be the type that only works with other people or does things if it benefits herself?
  2. speed_rac3r

    Toughest character and most fun character for you to fight against

    Hm. Toughest to play against for me is a tie between Oleander and Velvet (CPU), simply because I'm still needing work on my defensive game as Tian (block/jump/dash). I have the most fun playing against Paprika (CPU). Kinda like what luftschloss said, it's always nice anticipating one of her...
  3. speed_rac3r

    Question & Answer

    Yep, and I totally didn't realize it until I felt weak and shaky. (Perks of combo/controller training amirite?) What's the first game you ever played?
  4. speed_rac3r

    Let's Create A Character! [GRIFFIN FACE PAINT]

    If we're looking for a personality to distinguish from the others, maybe we could do someone who's got a motherly vibe or mature at an early age vibe? Idk the exact age everyone else is, but based on what I've read/heard from voice lines and lore, I get the impression the girls are young adult...
  5. speed_rac3r

    Future Palettes

    Ooh, that's a lot better lol. I'll edit the post later, thanks a lot. Finally had time to do the Clifford idea: Only name I can come up with for it, atm, is something like "Big Red"--definitely open to suggestions. Image used...
  6. speed_rac3r

    Future Palettes

    Ik it's been a while since another post, but had an idea for a Pom palette (sorry for the quality I'm not the best at tracing by mouse yet): I'd like to call it "Forever 10". Edit: "The Very Best" / "Berry Vest" (credit to BypenThynDragon/ty4brawl) Image used...