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  1. Orcryst

    Good news, Bad news, Stream news.

    Do we have info on if there will be an NDA for streaming the beta yet? *sorry if i sound like a squeaky wheel at this point, but as a streamer who has REALLY been looking forward to this release, i need to know* simplified question, will streamers be able to broadcast beta footage?
  2. Orcryst

    Favorite Gaming Soundtrack?

    three way tie here... Ori and the Blind Forest : Bastion : and FF Dissidia 012 Duodecim : Which i couldn't find a full link for :p there are a LOT of good soundtracks, but these are my favorites, as in the ones i listen to often while doing other things and never seem to get old : )...
  3. Orcryst

    Biggest Game Disappointments

    are we talking recently? or of all time? Recently, i can't really think of any, i buy a very small ammount of games and do a lot of homework beforehand as to avoid hypetrains and dissapointment. of all time... i'd probably have to go with the entire skylanders series. it started out ok, was...
  4. Orcryst

    Orcryst's Mediocre attempt at fan art!

    Just a quick post cause i noticed this was now a thing, but i did this painting on stream during the croudfund, and it was a lot of fun with an audience! didn't turn out as good as i'd like as it was only like, my third real painting, but its still on the wall nonetheless! you can see it on...