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  1. Future Palettes

    Looks better than I could have imagined! Hope Mane6 uses this color palette. Give your sister my regards!
  2. Future Palettes

    A Pom idea for a future template. Based on Jojo's resident pompadour user, Josuke Higashikata of "Diamond is Unbreakable" Wish I had access to the template. "Resistant Rhomboid" (resistant is synonym for unbreakable;rhomboid refers to the general shape of a diamond) Dark blue wool and...
  3. Future Palettes

    I suggested a possible Paprika palette based on the most infamous hugger and animal lover in Western Animation: Elmyra Duff. "Cuddly Wuddly": Red head wool. Peach face. Blue wool. White blanket. Black hooves. Paprika not having an Elmyra-homage palette is criminal.
  4. Feb 22 - Still release // Unexpected change of plans

    Sorry to bother but hoefully my message will be more visible here. I posted in another topic that I tried to use my backer key to download the game but I got a "duplicate code error" saying that my key code was already used by someone else, which I found impossible. Then again, I decided to get...
  5. "Duplicate Product Code"

    Are any of you receiving this problem on Steam? I just decided today to unlock everything pertaining to my backer status (survey, review, confirm, etc.) and when I went to steam with the Backers Code I receive and followed the instructions to download, I'm told it's a Duplicate Product Code and...
  6. Feb 22 - Still release // Unexpected change of plans

    It's out now on steam. Come and get it, everyp...uh...ungulate?
  7. Palette Reference Guide

    To everyone keeping this board alive, thank you. You've all been so helpful.
  8. Backer Status forum privileges

    Greetings. I apologize for not speaking here sooner, but, well I donated to the indiegogo a while back unde "Menacing Shadow" as it includes know the definite soundtrack and all its perks since I love vgm and after hearing the music in various LPs of the beta (props to the Fightin' Foenatics...
  9. Palette Reference Guide

    My bad then. Thanks for clearing the misunderstanding. Now then, according to my stats, the one with more identifiable references is Tian with 11, with Olly a close second with 10 and Ari has third with 6. Pom and Pap both have 4 and smugdeer only has 2. Hope there's more references identified...
  10. Palette Reference Guide

    Thank you everyone. This has been real helpful. Though I wonder which pokemon Pom's Catch Em All refers to. It's definitely not Flaafy, and the wool isn't yellow to be Mareep. Hmmm... Still thanks everyone. Keep 'em coming!
  11. Palette Reference Guide

    Dunno if this is the place to post this, but, um....guess, intro first since this is my first post. Well, I've been watching the development of this game since it was originally the Lawyer Friendly Equines:fim one. Was saddened by the C&D, surprised and amazed at Lauren helping and feeling glad at the game's...