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  1. Rayne-The-Skunk

    New Forum Sections: Backers' Beta

    "Q: Is the Backers' Beta going to be under an NDA (Non disclosure agreement)? A: Partially. We want to ensure we hammer the almost inevitable bugs on the first few days, NDA will be lifted for the later part of the Beta. We'll let you know when as things develop." So about this. I was waiting...
  2. Rayne-The-Skunk

    Rayne's Rain of Art

    Today I have to finished coloured artworks to share with you all
  3. Rayne-The-Skunk

    Rayne's Rain of Art

    If any of you have been following the manesix twitter you've probably already seen these sketches. If now. Check 'em out.
  4. Rayne-The-Skunk

    Rayne's Rain of Art

    I was in a very persona mood and designed to do some Persona 5 artwork for Oleander (Tianhuo, Velvet, and Pom later to come) I think I came with a solid persona design for FHTNG the design elements of main cast personas are hard to grasp and imitate.
  5. Rayne-The-Skunk

    TFH Overwatch Crossover Art

    that's what makes them the fun ones to do.
  6. Rayne-The-Skunk

    TFH Overwatch Crossover Art

    Instead of making Oleander reaper or something I decided to make her D'va and make FHTNG the mech to highlight their partnership. Also because I think a mask takes away from the whole crossover thing. Basically he's still a demon but a pilotable one. I tried to make it mostly built out of bone...
  7. Rayne-The-Skunk

    Rayne's Rain of Art

    The rest of my TFH related work that had been uploaded to the apperantly now defunct general thread
  8. Rayne-The-Skunk

    Rayne's Rain of Art

    I finally got a working tablet again which means I can draw stuff again First a new drawing I made today. Inspired by the splash art in the recent stream Deviant Art Exranion on DeviantArt
  9. Rayne-The-Skunk


    wrong spreadsheet sorry. I have to ask my friend for the other one again. He sent two.
  10. Rayne-The-Skunk


    a spreadsheet of various frame data Pokken Moveset (Arcade) Translated from the Japanese Site and some early combos
  11. Rayne-The-Skunk

    The Predators side of the Story?

    JimmyJones is right. Putting the predators in the hold is not a matter of morality or if the Herbivores are bad guys for locking entire races away. Its just a matter of survival. Its not like when there's another country you don't like cause they're different. The Predators no matter how good...
  12. Rayne-The-Skunk

    Which sapient ungulate races would you like to see in Foenum?

    There's these Mangalica things that are pigs that have sheep wool. Those would be cool to see.
  13. Rayne-The-Skunk

    The concise fan art thread. keep them up, keep them visible.

    I've recently finished what is supposed to be a poster Thems Fighting Herds FanPoster by rayne-the-skunk
  14. Rayne-The-Skunk

    If there were Friendship finishers in TFH (like Mortal Kombat)

    Before anyone gets confused. In case some of you don't know MK 3 had Friendships a type of Fatality that was the opposite of the fatality. Basically they did something silly or nice to befriend them instead of killing them. That said I think Velvet would make a nice ice sculpture of the other...
  15. Rayne-The-Skunk

    Shipping Thread!

    The first thing I did when I saw the trailer was draw a shipping pic for Iced-Tea Iced Tea
  16. Rayne-The-Skunk


    Someone on in Foenum actually wants the predators to get out, and making foenum choose multiple fighting champions instead of one clear champion is part of their goal.
  17. Rayne-The-Skunk

    [FactionRP] Join the Paka Nation

    You missed your opportunity to call it Paka Pack
  18. Rayne-The-Skunk

    Them's Fightin' Herds: Clans & Factions

    Well at least when its time for Character Specific forums in the future they will already have names
  19. Rayne-The-Skunk

    League of Legends

    I've been playing recently, I enjoy playing Yordles. North America SummonerName: RayneTheSkunk
  20. Rayne-The-Skunk

    [FactionRP] The Dark Side [Oleander]

    Yo I'm down for dark forces, and all the Oki it is willing to offer.