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  1. TheMinstrelBoy

    Continuing attack after 2D

    I'm still learning to use BestCow's rope, and I think I've gotten a handle on the 236C > 2D rope combo, but I have a problem. whenever I successfully use 2D, I'm not able to continue my attack, and I usually get counter-hit if I try anything. Has anyone had success in this area?
  2. TheMinstrelBoy

    Arizona 22D requires 2 Magic

    I was wondering about that! I was in the middle of a (thankfully, ai) match, and i just could not get her 22D to work, even though the move list said i should be able to. It was super frustrating. I think it may aply to her 236C as well, but im not as sure about that.
  3. TheMinstrelBoy

    TFH Early Access - Dev Tasklist

    I would assume that "level" would be mesured by your performance in ranked matches. A lot of games have systems like this to rank thier players
  4. TheMinstrelBoy

    Separate Menu Button Config

    I play with default keyboard controls, so i have some of the same problems; The select/back setup for keyboards is just not intuitive. It is perfectly intuitive on say, an xbox controller, but with keyboards it just allways seems to get me confused.
  5. TheMinstrelBoy

    How do I Block?

    I can't seem to get standing block to work for me, I just walk backwards and keep getting hit. what am i doing wrong?