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  1. BypenThynDragon

    Super Smash Brothers Ultimate

    I can't believe Goku is in smash
  2. BypenThynDragon

    The place to complain about things we love

    Velvet is too perfect, and doesn't get praised enough. :Velvet:
  3. BypenThynDragon

    Let's Create A Character! [GRIFFIN FACE PAINT]

    I like the second one The third one is nice too
  4. BypenThynDragon

    Let's Create A Character! [GRIFFIN FACE PAINT]

    I like it, but was she supost to be Jerkish? was that desided already, she can be like, totally radical dudes.
  5. BypenThynDragon

    Let's Create A Character! [GRIFFIN FACE PAINT]

    Personaly I like the second. (and I think the third looks Gilda-ey)
  6. BypenThynDragon

    Super Smash Brothers Ultimate

    Personally I wouldn't give spirits, they only level up from stats and get to a point were they aren't doing cool stuff but just 2 shotting everyone
  7. BypenThynDragon

    Let's Create A Character! [GRIFFIN FACE PAINT]

    Im down for this to continue
  8. BypenThynDragon

    Super Smash Brothers Ultimate

    Just 100% World of Light
  9. BypenThynDragon

    Question & Answer

    Im just going to use the pro controler, never really used gamecube in the past What is your controller of choice?
  10. BypenThynDragon

    Question & Answer

    Probably stick to Charizard and Ganindorf, but Simon Belmont was a hype pick so I might play him DLC hope for SSBU?
  11. BypenThynDragon

    Question & Answer

    SMahs Bros, oh wait got it preordered already, 3 more days Who are you maining?
  12. BypenThynDragon

    Word Association Game

  13. BypenThynDragon

    Question & Answer

    Who? How dose my Dad hate Queen?
  14. BypenThynDragon

    [Forum Game] The Person Above Me

    loves Velvet
  15. BypenThynDragon

    Word Association Game

  16. BypenThynDragon

    Question & Answer

    None of them Anyone tired of Christmas songs yet?
  17. BypenThynDragon

    [Forum Game] The Person Above Me

    Hates Velvet, the best Ungulate..... you monster
  18. BypenThynDragon

    Word Association Game

  19. BypenThynDragon

    Question & Answer

    TFH Velvet is the best Ungulate. but who is the second best?